executive director's message
On New Year's Day, as I imagined all that 2020 had in store for our gardens, like you, I did not imagine that our daily lives would take a monumental turn. I did not imagine that I would be missing our employee and volunteer team every minute I am spending at my home office and I did not imagine that I would need to learn to go without seeing the beauty of the garden in spring and the precious sound of school children in the halls. But here we all are together, fighting to keep each other safe and healthy in a time of rolling change and the unimagined. And asking the question, what does this new situation make possible?
For our gardens, it has helped us create some pretty creative digital content, and allowed us some fun photoshoots and educational videos with "Dave the Gardener" and Mr. Greg, our Director of Education. It has made space for dreaming of ideas to further improve the experience of visiting our gardens in the future. Imagine joining us for a reconnection celebration on the lawn, surrounded by summertime beauty, all of us certainly changed, transformed, like a butterfly through metamorphosis, and hungry for the sunlight. We will be eager to welcome you through the gates. It has also made possible the clearing of the "to-do" lists of cobwebbed projects, the work that always finds its way to the bottom of any mission based non-profit (think cleaning up in-boxes, filing, updating policy and procedures, creating standard operating procedure documents.)
Like every business across the nation, we are discovering how to operate under new circumstances. But we want you to know, that right now, our employee team is still working and we are thinking of ways to serve you, to keep you connected to nature, to bring you together with plants in meaningful ways.
• Check out our Facebook page to see Dave and Greg, you will be glad you did.
• Our membership program is still active, if you are a current member, renewing member, or a new member just jumping in, we will extend your benefits by eight weeks, so you can enjoy the gardens a full 12 months, when restrictions are lifted.
• Soon we will be launching our popular Adopt A Garden program. Your monetary support of this program keeps our gardens growing and lets you pay tribute or memorial to someone you love, in a garden area of your choice.
Dave is still nurturing the gardens every day, applying his magic touch to nature and helping the garden come alive. He checks in three times daily, to let us know he is safe and thriving, but also that he is lonely, and ready for the gardens to be filled with guests and volunteers, students, staff and wedding parties. For now, he has the company of our Koi and turtle, fresh spring buds and blooms, cardinals, redwings, and a mallard pair. And like the rest of us, it is you he also longs to see!
We wish you love, peace, health, faith and nature. Head out to your deck or yard, look at the greening grass, the emerging crocus, the bright green, yellow, pink and red buds of the trees. Listen to the bird song, and who can you hear busy in the trees. Enjoy the antics of the squirrels and chipmunks, the grazing rabbits. Turn your face to the sun, swim in the breeze, and for a moment, just be happy.
If we can be of service, you can still reach us. Email any of our team members, or contact me via cell, at 309-631-0125, if you have ideas or suggestions of things you would like to see us share, garden information we can provide, or just to say hello. Show us your love on our Facebook page, and know, we have not, and will not waiver from our commitment to you.
Wishing you peace, health, love and faith in the future,
Ami D. Porter, Executive Director
Quad City Botanical Center
For our gardens, it has helped us create some pretty creative digital content, and allowed us some fun photoshoots and educational videos with "Dave the Gardener" and Mr. Greg, our Director of Education. It has made space for dreaming of ideas to further improve the experience of visiting our gardens in the future. Imagine joining us for a reconnection celebration on the lawn, surrounded by summertime beauty, all of us certainly changed, transformed, like a butterfly through metamorphosis, and hungry for the sunlight. We will be eager to welcome you through the gates. It has also made possible the clearing of the "to-do" lists of cobwebbed projects, the work that always finds its way to the bottom of any mission based non-profit (think cleaning up in-boxes, filing, updating policy and procedures, creating standard operating procedure documents.)
Like every business across the nation, we are discovering how to operate under new circumstances. But we want you to know, that right now, our employee team is still working and we are thinking of ways to serve you, to keep you connected to nature, to bring you together with plants in meaningful ways.
• Check out our Facebook page to see Dave and Greg, you will be glad you did.
• Our membership program is still active, if you are a current member, renewing member, or a new member just jumping in, we will extend your benefits by eight weeks, so you can enjoy the gardens a full 12 months, when restrictions are lifted.
• Soon we will be launching our popular Adopt A Garden program. Your monetary support of this program keeps our gardens growing and lets you pay tribute or memorial to someone you love, in a garden area of your choice.
Dave is still nurturing the gardens every day, applying his magic touch to nature and helping the garden come alive. He checks in three times daily, to let us know he is safe and thriving, but also that he is lonely, and ready for the gardens to be filled with guests and volunteers, students, staff and wedding parties. For now, he has the company of our Koi and turtle, fresh spring buds and blooms, cardinals, redwings, and a mallard pair. And like the rest of us, it is you he also longs to see!
We wish you love, peace, health, faith and nature. Head out to your deck or yard, look at the greening grass, the emerging crocus, the bright green, yellow, pink and red buds of the trees. Listen to the bird song, and who can you hear busy in the trees. Enjoy the antics of the squirrels and chipmunks, the grazing rabbits. Turn your face to the sun, swim in the breeze, and for a moment, just be happy.
If we can be of service, you can still reach us. Email any of our team members, or contact me via cell, at 309-631-0125, if you have ideas or suggestions of things you would like to see us share, garden information we can provide, or just to say hello. Show us your love on our Facebook page, and know, we have not, and will not waiver from our commitment to you.
Wishing you peace, health, love and faith in the future,
Ami D. Porter, Executive Director
Quad City Botanical Center
To provide collections and exhibits that promote the beauty and enjoyment of plants
To increase botanical and horticultural knowledge through education
To encourage ecological concern for the plants that sustain us
To inspire citizens to improve their environment
To increase botanical and horticultural knowledge through education
To encourage ecological concern for the plants that sustain us
To inspire citizens to improve their environment